Local Supporters
We are very grateful for donations from local businesses – their support makes an enormous difference. Our supporters include:
- Lyonsleaf – https://lyonsleaf.co.uk
- Evergreen & Outrageous – https://evergreen-outrageous.edan.io/
- EarlyBird – https://www.earlybirddesigns.co.uk/
- Metal Crumble – https://metalcrumble.com/
- Tanning Point
- Bunker51 – https://www.bunker-51.com/
- Shine Holistic – https://www.shineholistic.co.uk/
- Ivory Boutique
- Stokey Wines
- Loved by Nancy Noo
- Popping Balloons London – https://poppinballoonsldn.co.uk/
- Stoke Newington Bookshop – http://www.stokenewingtonbookshop.co.uk/
The listed above are the local businesses who Kindly donated prizes for this years Summer Fair (2024). Thank you for your support.

Kindly volunteered in 2023 to help landscape the play area for reception and Year 1 and bring a disused plot back into use. Greatly appreciated. www.berkeleygroup.co.uk/our-vision

Kindly donated in 2022, with funds going towards new science equipment (robotics kits) for Years 5 and 6.
Do stop in for a coffee at their Woodberry Downs branch near the reservoir or visit: https://215hackney.co.uk

Kindly donated in 2022 with funds going towards replacement sports equipment.
If you are a local business that would like to be a supporter, please read our fundraising brochure or contact elliot@friendsofholmleigh.org