19 Mar History Question Of The Week
This weeks question: Y1 Y2 Y3 When did World War 2 start? Y4 Y5 Y6 Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during World war 2? Last week’s winners: Riya Year 3 Nate Year 4...
This weeks question: Y1 Y2 Y3 When did World War 2 start? Y4 Y5 Y6 Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during World war 2? Last week’s winners: Riya Year 3 Nate Year 4...
This weeks question: Y1 Y2 Y3 What is the name of the big sporting event that the ancient Greeks invented? Y4 Y5 Y6 What was the name of the king of the gods in Ancient Greece? Last week’s winners: Victoria year 2 Almina year 4 ...
Holmleigh Primary School will be celebrating Science Week from Monday 11th March to Friday 15th March 2024. We are excited about the week and the various science learning experiences that will be happening at school and at home. Throughout the week, you will have an opportunity to...
Writer and Illustrator Sav Akyusl will be visiting Holmleigh on 12th March 2024. He will be doing drawing workshops with years 1,2 and 3 Please scan the QR code if you want to buy signed copies of his book by Thursday 29th February so they will...
Year 1,2 and 3 Question :In 1903, who flew the first motorized aeroplane? Year 4,5 and 6 Question : How long was the first aeroplane flight? Last weeks winners: Hannah Year 3 Dalal Year 4 ...
On Friday 15th March, we are asking those who would like to, to come to school in their most ostentatiously vibrant outfits and donate a £1 or more to Comic Relief. However much or little we raise, we’ll be helping change lives in the UK...
Thursday 7th March is World Book Day, and this year we will be hosting an Open Library for parents/carers to drop in and enjoy the library with the children. There will be set times for different classes. If you have children in different classes, you may...
Science Workshops at Our Lady’s Catholic High School This term, children in Years 3-6 visited Our Lady’s Catholic High School for science workshops and activities. Specialist science teachers and year 11 pupils taught them and covered topics such as Forces and Magnets, Earth and Space and...
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 will take place from 5–11 February 2024. This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. top-tips-for-families top-tips-for-children...
Last weeks questions were: Years 1, 2 & 3 Question: Who was caught red handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605? Answer: Guy Fawkes Years 4, 5 & 6 Question: Which King was the gunpowder plot intended to assassinate? Answer: King James I Our winners with the correct answers were Talal...