Being a Governor
The role of governors, drawn from parents, staff and our community, is to be a ‘critical friend’ to the school, and each governor plays an active part by sitting on at least one of the two committees as well as the Governing Body itself. We provide support and encouragement to the school whilst continuing to identify and pursue areas where improvements may be needed. We are also able to witness and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our fantastic pupils and dedicated staff.
Governors maintain a strong focus on the following core strategic functions:
- ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- ensuring there is strategic plan for the school focusing on long term development and improvement;
- holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent;
- supporting the Head Teacher and staff in the achievement of all this.
The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and senior leadership team.
There are four types of governors:
- Local authority governors appointed by the Hackney Learning Trust;
- Parent Governors elected by the parent community;
- Co-opted Governors appointed by the governing body to provide a specific skill required by the school;
- Staff governors. One being the Head Teacher and the other being appointed by the staff of the school;
The length of terms for all Governors is four years. The Chair of the Governors and Vice Chair of Governors are appointed by the Governors on an Annual basis.
The full Governing Body meets once every term., supported by the following committees that also meet once every half term.
The function of committees is to allow joint working on areas that matter most to making the school successful.
The Link Governor role enables Governors with relevant skills to partner with the appropriate members of the school staff to focus on particular areas of development.
We welcome enquiries about becoming a governor from all different backgrounds.
If you are interested in the work we do, would like to find out more, or if you have any questions please write to the Chair of the governing body
Holmleigh Governing Board Code of Conduct