10 Jun History Question Of the Week 07.06.24
Every week a history question is posted in the school reception area for children to take part. Children will need to write their answer to the question along with their name and class, and post it into the red post box. The winners will be chosen at random
This weeks question:
Y1 Y2 Y3
Q:In 1839 an American explorer found the Maya ‘lost city in the jungle. What was he called?
Y4 Y5 Y6
Q:If you lived during the time of the Maya, what would you wear to signify you had wealth and power?
Last week’s answers and winners:
Y1 Y2 Y3
Q: What type of houses did the people in the Iron Age live in?
A: Round houses Winner- Kalil Year 3
Y4 Y5 Y6
Q: What were the tribes who lived in Europe during the Iron Age called?
A: The Celts Winner-Nayana Year 4
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