Educational Visits
At Holmleigh, we believe that our students learn best when they can see, hear, and experience things first-hand. Multi-sensory learning is an important part of school life, and school trips answer the requirements of all five senses.
All young people need the knowledge, skills and understanding to live in, and contribute to, a global society and this begins with an understanding of the world in which we live, including the languages, values and cultures of different societies. The first-hand experience gained on residential school trips to Kench Hill is one way of enabling young people to acquire this mix of knowledge, skills and understanding. All of these activities, in their different ways, help to develop self-esteem, self-confidence and independence. Trips taken to Spain and Turkey as part of our Erasmus project give children the opportunity to experience other cultures, meet and develop new friendships whilst broadening their horizons and knowledge.
Here are some of the many reasons why we believe that students should learn outside the classroom:
Being immersed in information and being involved in visual and practical experiences will help children remember, learn and understand subjects.
- Educational visits help reinforce classroom materials, bringing lessons to life. They give students the opportunity to visualise, experience and discuss information on a subject.
- Going on educational visits offers students a unique cultural learning experience. It allows students to be involved in new environments, key to encouraging curiosity about a given subject. It is also valuable as an exercise in broadening a student’s understanding of the world and their place in it.
- Educational trips encourage the development of social, personal and study skills. It has been observed that students appear to come out of their shell on educational visits, becoming creative and displaying leadership qualities.
Murica Trip 2025
Participation Diary Ankara Turkyie 2024
Spanish Partnership visit to Holmleigh March 4th 2024
Childrens Day Festival 2023
Esasmus Robotics Trip To Murcia 2023 by Kenji and Lukas
Robotics Trip to Usak 2023
Kench Hill 2023