02 Apr Margaret BoatengHead Teacher, Governor, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Foundation Curriculum Lead, Assessment, P.E Lead and PSHE & RSHE Lead
I joined Holmleigh an NQT in 2003. I taught across both KS1 and KS2 and became an Assistant Headteacher in 2013. In January 2023, I became the Headteacher of Holmleigh. I work closely with the senior leadership team, our SIP and the governors to set the school’s strategic aims and policies and actively work to monitor, support and improve the quality of teaching and learning for every Holmleigh pupil. As Headteacher, I try to ensure that our children’s experience of school, not only equips them with the skills needed to move onto the next phase of their education, but also fosters a love of lifelong learning through experiencing an enriched and exciting curriculum.
At Holmleigh, we give personal and social education the highest priority as we try and foster good values and attitudes that will result in our pupils becoming good citizens.
It is an honour and a privilege to be the Headteacher of this school and very fortunate in being able to work with such a committed and enthusiastic staff team, wonderful children, supportive parents and governors.
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