06 Sep Welcoming back Year 6, 1 and Reception
During the lockdown, Holmleigh Primary School has been open to our key worker and our vulnerable children. Teachers and support staff have been working at school on a rota system delivering a varied curriculum. For those children who have remained at home, teachers have been in constant contact with families and pupils providing weekly work, feedback and guidance.
On Monday 15th June we will be welcoming back some of our children from year 6, year 1 and reception. These pupils will be attending school three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and will be working in small bubbles consisting of eight pupils. Within these bubbles, pupils will learn together as well as eat and play together thus reducing any unnecessary contact. We are very excited to have our pupils back in school and have worked hard over the last few weeks to ensure that our classrooms, corridors and other shared spaces such as the hall are set up with the correct safeguarding in place. Two classrooms for the year 6 pupils have been rearranged so that pupils are able to work two metres apart and resources have been reorganised to allow for their safe access. These pupils will be expected to socially distance themselves at all times. Our returning year 1 and reception children will be in small bubbles and will not be expected to socially distance within their bubbles so that they can experience as near to a normal school day as possible. Good hand hygiene will be adhered to and there will be lots of helpful signs around school reminding children about safe practice.
Our returning pupils will continue to experience a varied curriculum with a focus on wellbeing and mental health. Year 6 there will also work on transitioning to year 7 and secondary school.
The year 6, year 1 and reception pupils who are not yet attending school, will continue to receive work, advice and support from their teachers who will be in regular contact with these pupils and parents.
Regretfully pupils from year 5, year 4, year 3, year 2 and Nursery will not be returning to Holmleigh this academic year. Their teachers will continue to provide work online or through collection from school and their teachers will continue to regularly phone and email their pupils. We look forward to a time when we can all be back together learning and playing safely.
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