Eid Celebration at Holmleigh 3rd April 3.30-4.30 FoH need your help!Eid Celebration at Holmleigh 3rd April 3.30-4.30 FoH need your help!Are you, or do you know a henna or face paint artist? can you cook snacks to sell? Can you help run a stall? do you know any local group/centres/ restaurants that can help us celebrate? Please scan the QR code or email friendsofholmleigh@gmail.com
World Book Day Open Library Event @ Holmleigh Thursday 6th MarchWorld Book Day Open Library Event @ Holmleigh Thursday 6th MarchThursday, 6th March, is World Book Day! Following last year’s success, we are once again hosting an Open Library event, where parents and carers can drop in and enjoy the library with their children. Each class has an allocated time slot....
Children's Book Project & Winkworth Stoke NewingtonChildren's Book Project & Winkworth Stoke NewingtonDo you have books at home that your child no longer reads? Give them a second life with Children's Book Project and Winkworth Stoke Newington Donate your pre-loved children's book at our Office at 144 Stoke Newington Church Street
Half-term Activities in Hackney and around LondonHalf-term Activities in Hackney and around LondonFebruary half-term sometimes can be the wettest and coldest holiday. looking for activities to entertain your children this holiday? Click on the links below for some ideas some activities are free!!! https://www.lovehackney.uk/februaryhalfterm2025 https://hackney-museum.hackney.gov.uk/visit/families/ https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/events/imagine/imagine-festival/ https://www.horniman.ac.uk/whats-on/?_gl=1*89lok9*_gcl_au*OTM0MTc5MDE2LjE3Mzk1Mzg4Njk.&date=custom-holidays https://www.vam.ac.uk/young?srsltid=AfmBOoqnDg3xSg1IB9ZblFOq3UKPcW4Y_XvaTsCAzIJS7neiOOdpo4ax
Holiday Club @ Holmleigh Monday 17th February - Friday 21st FebruaryHoliday Club @ Holmleigh Monday 17th February - Friday 21st FebruaryWe offer places from Reception to Year 6 Full days: 08:30AM - 5:30PM Half days: 08:30AM - 12:30PM OR 12:30PM - 5:30PM PRICING Full days: £25, sibling discount AT £15 per child per day Half days: £12.50 a session CONTACT SALLY BAZELL: holmleighholidayclub@gmail.com
Holmleigh Wellbeing Coffee Morning Friday 14th February 9-10amHolmleigh Wellbeing Coffee Morning Friday 14th February 9-10amYou are invited to Holmleigh's parent/carer Wellbeing Coffee Morning. Meet George Bunting (Systemic Psychotherapist, Wellbeing and mental Mental Health in Schools service) and Gillian Jetto (inclusion Lead & SENCo) Ask any questions you have about Mental Health and Wellbeing at Holmleigh. Drop in...
Meet our new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service(CAMHS) Worker @ HolmleighMeet our new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service(CAMHS) Worker @ HolmleighWELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTH Hello, my name is George Bunting. I am a Systemic and Family psychotherapist and will be starting at Holmleigh Primary as your new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) worker in school. I work as...
Wishing you all a restful and happy holiday!Wishing you all a restful and happy holiday!A huge thank you for your ongoing support and engagement throughout the term – it truly makes a difference! Wishing you all a restful and joyous holiday season filled with laughter, warmth, and special moments with loved ones. Here’s to a...
HAF-Holiday Club @ Holmleigh 23rd, 24th, 27th, 30th December 2024HAF-Holiday Club @ Holmleigh 23rd, 24th, 27th, 30th December 2024HAF: 10am - 2pm Full Days: 08:30am - 5:30pm Half Days: 08:30am - 12:30pm or 12:30pm - 5:30pm Pricing HAF: 4 Hours Free Child Care Full Day: £25, Sibling Discount At £15 Per Day Per Child Half Day: £12.50 A Session Contact Sally Bazell Holmleighholidayclub@gmail.com
Holmleigh Nativity Christmas Show-Show! Wednesday 11th DecemberHolmleigh Nativity Christmas Show-Show! Wednesday 11th DecemberOur Christmas Nativity Show will take place on Wednesday, 11th December. Doors open at 3.45 Musical accompaniment will be provided by miss Kate. Children will remain in school. Please ensure they have a snack to keep them energized. Show programme £1
Christmas Jumper Day Friday 6th December 2024Christmas Jumper Day Friday 6th December 2024Children don't need to buy new jumpers, they can simply decorate an old one with tinsels, stickers or other decorations to make it sparkle and shine. Wear a Christmas jumper, Bring donation of £1 or more! Money raised will go to...
Stokey Winter Fest Jigsaw Trail starts at 10am Saturday 30th NovemberStokey Winter Fest Jigsaw Trail starts at 10am Saturday 30th NovemberPop into local shops and businesses along the trail to collect the pieces of an iconic Stoke Newington design. Each business on the trail has a different piece to give out. Collect all 20 pieces by 8th December to complete...
10X10 Coffee Morning @ Holmleigh Thursday 7th November10X10 Coffee Morning @ Holmleigh Thursday 7th November10X10 COFFEE MORNING AND ASSEMBLY 10x10 is a new initiative aimed at supporting every child in Hackney to achieve 10 amazing activities by the time they are 10 years old. Kay Richardson, the project manager of the initiative, will hold a...
PROPOSAL FOR HOLMLEIGH PRIMARY SCHOOL DROP-IN SESSION WITH THE COUNCIL Thursday 14th November @3.30pm-4.30pmPROPOSAL FOR HOLMLEIGH PRIMARY SCHOOL DROP-IN SESSION WITH THE COUNCIL Thursday 14th November @3.30pm-4.30pmPROPOSAL FOR HOLMLEIGH PRIMARY SCHOOL On Thursday 14th November, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, there will be another opportunity to meet with council officers to discuss admissions, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), and the ongoing consultation process at a...
Multisport Festival Wednesday 29th October 10am to 3pm @ Hackney Rugby Football Club Recreation Ground Spring Hill E5 9BLMultisport Festival Wednesday 29th October 10am to 3pm @ Hackney Rugby Football Club Recreation Ground Spring Hill E5 9BLContact Mary Impey community@hackneyrfc.co.uk for more information
Celebrating Changemakers, Join us for our Black History Month Assembly on Friday 18th October @10amCelebrating Changemakers, Join us for our Black History Month Assembly on Friday 18th October @10amEach year during Black History Month, we come together to celebrate and reflect on the rich history, culture, and contributions of Black communities around the world. Last year, our focus was on the Windrush Generation, recognizing the incredible impact and...
Parent Engagement Information Session Thursday, 10th October 5:30pm -6:30pmParent Engagement Information Session Thursday, 10th October 5:30pm -6:30pmThis session will provide an opportunity for you to ask questions directly to representatives from Hackney Education and gain more detailed information regarding the proposed merger. The session will be held in the School Hall
Movie Night @Holmleigh Wednesday 23rd OctoberMovie Night @Holmleigh Wednesday 23rd OctoberDoors open at 6.30 Entry £3 suggested donation-cash or card. Children come dressed in your PJs or spooky clothes and bring bean bags or cushions. Popcorn will be on sale! Children need to be supervised by their adult.
Secondary School Open Events 2024Secondary School Open Events 2024Moving onto secondary school is an exciting and important phase in the life of any year six pupil and their parents/carers. In September/October each year, parents of year six children apply for secondary school Online. Click below for timetable of Secondary...
What's happening @ Holmleigh this week?What's happening @ Holmleigh this week?Monday 15th July Reception Home Visits Tuesday 16th July Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly for school at 10.00am Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly for family members at 1.45pm Wednesday 17th July Year 5 Moving Up session in Year 6 classroom Friday 19th July We’re all going on a summer......
Hackney RFC Summer Camp August 27th-30thHackney RFC Summer Camp August 27th-30thProfessional Sports Coaches running sessions to develop Ruby, Cricket and other team sports for all abilities ages 8-12. Coaches are DBS checked Time: 10am-4pm where: Sports Ground Spring Hill, London E5 9BL For more information click below https://www.hackneyrfc.co.uk/
History Question Of The WeekHistory Question Of The WeekThis weeks question: What year was Holmleigh Primary School established? Last week’s answers and winners: Y1 Y2 Y3 Q: What famous piece of art tells the story of the Battle of Hastings in 1066? A:The Bayeux Tapestry Y4 Y5 Y6 Q:What caused the Battle of Hastings...
Newsletter from Holmleigh LibraryNewsletter from Holmleigh LibraryPhoto caption) Lily, Lukas, Essa, Tayla-Rae, Ziyad, Serena, Israel (Y6) Eleanor, Kaiden, Leah, Layla, Julia, Luke (Y5) Thank you to our pupil librarians for all your hard work and effort this year in running and maintaining our school library. During lunch breaks and...
A Note From Our Hackney Reading ChampionsA Note From Our Hackney Reading ChampionsBeing Hackney Reading Champions has been really beneficial to us and the children at Holmleigh. We've accomplished many tasks since October to improve the love for reading across the school. Some of the tasks we did are; reading outside with...
Looking for something to do this Saturday?- Festival Of Stuff@ Stratford Saturday 6th July 1pm-5pmLooking for something to do this Saturday?- Festival Of Stuff@ Stratford Saturday 6th July 1pm-5pmCelebrate the sheer joy of making and materials at the Festival of Stuff! We're hosting a one-day, large-scale, drop-in and totally free street festival about making and materials. Join the Institute of Making team for an afternoon filled to the brim with...
The Great Hackney Libraries QuestThe Great Hackney Libraries QuestChildren of all ages can take on a series of exciting challenges this summer as part of the Great Hackney Libraries Quest. The carnival-themed challenge, in celebration of the return of Hackney Carnival this September, runs from 20 July to 15 September,...
A Big Thank You For All Your SupportA Big Thank You For All Your SupportSuperheroes came out in their droves at our annual summer fair. It was such an enjoyable and successful event. Thank you to those who volunteered, cooked, baked, donated and ran stalls, as well as those who came to support us. We are...
10X10 Launch for families, Carers and Children10X10 Launch for families, Carers and ChildrenHackney Education is delighted to invite you to the 10x10 Launch for Families, Carers and Children at the Assembly Rooms at Hackney Town Hall accessed by the side entrance on Reading Lane. Please note the change of date : Wednesday 10th July 4.15pm -...
The Great Get Together Saturday 15th June 12-7pmThe Great Get Together Saturday 15th June 12-7pmThe Great Get Together is a free family fun day being held at The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Saturday 15th June 12-7pm. There will be a wide range of creative activities, sports day style events, music and Dance performances which...
Class Share @ Holmleigh Early Years Session Thursday 16th May @ 10am-10.45Class Share @ Holmleigh Early Years Session Thursday 16th May @ 10am-10.45CLASS SHARE SESSIONS Nursery and Reception will have their Class Share session on Thursday 16th May from 10.00-10.45. Parents/carers are invited to spend some time in their child’s classroom and hear about their learning journey. This will be an opportunity for children...
Summer Fair @ Holmleigh Friday 24th May 2pm-4pmSummer Fair @ Holmleigh Friday 24th May 2pm-4pmIts that time of year again! Our theme for this year is SUPERHEROES. We hope to set up our own International Market, with stalls selling a range of food from all parts of the world. There will be a bouncy castle, music...
Beep Beep Day @ Holmleigh in the Early Years Wednesday 24th of AprilBeep Beep Day @ Holmleigh in the Early Years Wednesday 24th of AprilBeep Beep Day is to help children to start learning the basics of road safety through fun activities alongside helping to raise awareness among parents and the local community about protecting children on our roads. On Wednesday 24th April children in...
Gymnastics @Holmleigh Coming Soon!Gymnastics @Holmleigh Coming Soon!We are excited to be adding gymnastics to our after school clubs provision. The sessions will take place on Thursdays and will be aimed at Years 1-6. Each session will cost £5. The classes will be divided into two groups: 15:30-16:25- Years...
What's On at the Hackney Museum this Easter Holiday?What's On at the Hackney Museum this Easter Holiday?Plan a fun day out for the whole family with interactives and hands-on activities. From early years to over 5s. Click below for more information Visitor Information - Family Visits - Hackney Museum hackney-museum.hackney.gov.uk
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 @HolmleighNeurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 @HolmleighHolmleigh is celebrating the strengths and talents of people with learning differences. At Holmleigh, we believe in the importance of everyone feeling valued, respected and included in all that we do at our school. Please click below to learn more. Neurodiversity...
Science Week @Holmleigh 11th-15th March 2024Science Week @Holmleigh 11th-15th March 2024Holmleigh Primary School will be celebrating Science Week from Monday 11th March to Friday 15th March 2024. We are excited about the week and the various science learning experiences that will be happening at school and at home. Throughout the week, you...
Illustrator Sav Akyuzl @Holmleigh 12th MarchIllustrator Sav Akyuzl @Holmleigh 12th MarchWriter and Illustrator Sav Akyusl will be visiting Holmleigh on 12th March 2024. He will be doing drawing workshops with years 1,2 and 3 Please scan the QR code if you want to buy signed copies of his book by Thursday...
Developing ExpertsDeveloping ExpertsScience Workshops at Our Lady’s Catholic High School This term, children in Years 3-6 visited Our Lady’s Catholic High School for science workshops and activities. Specialist science teachers and year 11 pupils taught them and covered topics such as Forces and...
Children's Mental Health Week 2024Children's Mental Health Week 2024Children's Mental Health Week 2024 will take place from 5–11 February 2024. This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. top-tips-for-families top-tips-for-children
History question of the weekHistory question of the weekLast weeks questions were: Years 1, 2 & 3 Question: Who was caught red handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605? Answer: Guy Fawkes Years 4, 5 & 6 Question: Which King was the gunpowder plot intended to assassinate? Answer: King James I Our winners with...
Bloomsbury Football Newsletter December 2023Bloomsbury Football Newsletter December 2023BLOOMSBURY NEWSLETTER As we come to the end of this term, all the coaching staff and I would like to say a massive thank you for having us deliver football to your young people. The coaches have really enjoyed it and...
Reading ChampionsReading ChampionsIntroducing our Hackney Reading Champions We are excited to announce our very own Reading Champions for the upcoming school year: Tayla-Rae, Daniel and Serena from Year 6. These Reading Champions will work to raise the profile of reading within the school and encourage...
Carols by Candlelight @ HolmleighCarols by Candlelight @ HolmleighOn Thursday 14th December we will have our Carols by Candlelight service. The service will start at 4pm and will include Traditional carols and some rapping too. Music accompaniment will be provided by Miss Kate and we hope that you...
Science Day @ HolmleighScience Day @ HolmleighHolmleigh celebrated Science day with children dressing up as a scientist for the day. There were different types of scientists from all backgrounds such as naturalists, archaeologists, pathologists, doctors, nurses and we had an astronaut too . KS1 and KS2...
Winter Fair @ Holmleigh Friday 24th November 2023Winter Fair @ Holmleigh Friday 24th November 2023On Friday 24th November we held our annual WINTER FAIR. This year we celebrated Christmas around the world. We would like to say a huge thank you to the whole school community for making our Winter Fair such an enjoyable and...
Black History Month Assembly 2023Black History Month Assembly 2023For Black History Month we focused on the theme: ‘Windrush 75’. To celebrate this theme, we learnt a lot of information about the Windrush Generation and the many challenges Caribbean people faced when they came to England to work, after World...
Grandparents Day In The Early YearsGrandparents Day In The Early YearsNational Grandparents Day was on Sunday 1st of October . We wanted to celebrate all that they do. with that in mind the Reception and Nursery classes, invited Grandparents to come in on Tuesday 3rd October. To spent some time ...
FoH Meeting Monday 9th October 6pm to 7pm, School hallFoH Meeting Monday 9th October 6pm to 7pm, School hallFOH Meeting: Monday 9 Oct 6pm - 7pm, School main hall A general meeting to discuss ideas for fundraising activities over the year and elect/re-elect committee members. Everyone is welcome and feel free just to come along and listen to ideas -...
FoH Early Halloween Film Night Thursday 19th October @ 6.15 School main HallFoH Early Halloween Film Night Thursday 19th October @ 6.15 School main Hall(Early) Halloween film night – Thursday 19th October, School main hall 6.15pm A fun evening for children to watch a movie with their friends together after school. Why not come in spooky outfits or PJs bring cushions, sleeping bags, bean bags...
Celebrating Grandparents Day In the Early YearsCelebrating Grandparents Day In the Early YearsDid you know that on Sunday the 1st of October it will be national Grandparents day? We would love to take this opportunity to celebrate you and all that you do! You are invited to come and spend some time; playing,...
Young Hackney Online Safety Workshop for Parents/CarersYoung Hackney Online Safety Workshop for Parents/CarersSession : Online safety Talking about the internet can be overwhelming, as there’s constantly something new being released. This session aims to support you to start conversations about internet safety, how to utilise security settings and provides information and resources...
The Family Coaching ServiceThe Family Coaching ServiceHackney Education's Family Coaching Service continue to offer its services at Holmleigh. This term, they are focusing on behaviour and are open to all parents of SEND children, with or without an official diagnosis or EHCP! This service is part of...
Neurodiversity Celebration WeekNeurodiversity Celebration Week21 – 27th March 2022 Dear pupils, parents and carers of Holmleigh, This year, we will be taking part in the Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Until last year, annual autism awareness week was an opportunity to raise awareness both here in the UK...
Working together for Young Mental Health Safaplace Annual Conference 13/11/2021Working together for Young Mental Health Safaplace Annual Conference 13/11/2021Safaplaces 2021 Conference taking place online this weekend. Safaplace, the young people’s mental health charity, is to host its fourth annual conference on Saturday 13 November. This year’s theme is ‘Working Together for Young Mental Health’ and you can find more information...
Welcoming back Year 6, 1 and ReceptionWelcoming back Year 6, 1 and ReceptionDuring the lockdown, Holmleigh Primary School has been open to our key worker and our vulnerable children. Teachers and support staff have been working at school on a rota system delivering a varied curriculum. For those children who have remained...
Edible Playgrounds UpdateEdible Playgrounds UpdateThroughout the recent days of lockdown Holmleigh has been open for the children of some of our critical workers. They have enjoyed a varied curriculum including working in our recently opened Edible Playgrounds garden. Lots of preparation and planting has...

to Holmleigh Primary School
We hope that you find it easy to use and full of the information you require, whether you are a current or prospective parent or a member of the wider community. If you have any feedback, or suggestions for other information you would like to see on the site, please do not hesitate to contact us.